Thursday 30 September 2010

A bit about why I am blogging

For many reasons, which I will undoubtedly unload here in this blog, my partner and I have decided to pursue adoption.

We are very early in the process, even titling this blog 'Diary of an Adoption' gave me a little pause for thought. It seemed a bit... presumptuous.  I have decided to adjust my mindset and think of it as a positive mental attitude. This adoption is going to happen. It's going to be scary and fascinating and confusing and emotional, but we are going to make it happen.

I decided to blog about it because, even so early in the process, I have come up with the most random questions, thoughts and worries in the middle of the night. I'm sure I'm not alone, but some thoughts seem too silly to pick up the phone and mention to a social worker. It was during one of these interrupted nights that I decided to blog. If nothing else it will get thoughts out of my head and onto the page and it might even be of help to others. Anyway, here I am. Pleased to meet you.

In the interests of disclosure this has to be an anonymous blog for the sake of my family and my future family. I hope you understand.

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